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5 Benefits of Thai Massage

Thai Massage The exercise increases flexibility and eases back pain by focusing on yoga poses and stretching.

Thai Massage

Thai massage is designed to stretch passively and promote healing through ancient healing practices.

In Thai massage, passive stretching and yoga poses are combined with Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine practices,” explains Deborah Hill, RN, LMT, licensed massage therapist. This is an ancient form of healing – not a fitness activity or a way to relax.”

How does Thai massage work?

Thai massages, including assisted yoga massage, don’t use oils, rubbing, or kneading like traditional massages. Your therapist will assist and guide you while performing passive stretches and yoga poses to promote well-being.  You may feel the tension in your muscles is relieved by your massage therapist using their hands, elbows, forearms, and feet. Through stretching and movements, a Thai therapist clears sens, or internal energy pathways, during the massage, which typically lasts 90 minutes.”

Thai massage incorporates strong spiritual elements derived from Buddhism,” says Hill. During the process, your internal energy is moved throughout your organs and body systems to boost your overall health. In addition, You will be sent loving kindness during your session by your therapist.”

Thai massage starts with a mat or massage mattress on the floor, unlike Swedish massage, which uses a massage table. You can leave your clothes on during Thai massage, unlike other massages that require you to remove most of them. Wear loose-fitting clothing. A few massage therapists are certified to perform Thai massage, so make sure you find one who is.

Benefits of Thai massage

The following are some of the health benefits of Thai massage:

Improves range of motion and flexibility

It is believed that Thai massage improves your muscle’s blood flow and oxygen supply, thus increasing your flexibility and range of motion.”The function of your joints determines your flexibility,” says Hill. The range of motion increases when the tendons become more flexible. We can improve your range of motion if you fall outside it.

Relieves back pain

Thai massage can be helpful if you suffer from upper or lower back pain.”Many of the poses are derived from yoga,” says Hill. During a session, you’re relaxed and loose. Massage therapists can use this time to stretch.”While you may perform yoga poses like pigeon pose and figure four, the Thai massage therapist will assist you in holding them. She adds, “We do twist poses as well.”These movements mobilize the spine and lubricate its joints.”

Relieves headache pain

The effects of Thai massage on chronic headaches and migraines have been studied. The benefit of massage is that it can alleviate tension headaches and migraine headaches caused by cervicogenic pain,” explains Hill. Neck muscles are tight, causing cervicogenic pain. This massage helps loosen up the muscles causing headaches.”When you suffer from ocular headaches or cluster headaches, you should see your doctor.

Relaxes and reduces anxiety

How does Thai massage differ from other forms of massage? Stress and anxiety may be reduced by Thai massage, which is calming and relaxing.

Boosts digestion

The Thai massage includes an abdominal massage as well as a “toe-to-head” massage. An abdominal massage can manipulate certain energy points in the abdomen, Hill explains. As we move that energy around, it might improve digestion.

Overall You may benefit from Thai massage in terms of reducing stress, improving flexibility, and easing back pain, so you may want to consider exploring and learning more about the ancient practice. More About Luxury Spa Gulshan




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